District Technology

    Resources and Information

    Below are links and PDF downloads to websites for families considering Internet access on student issued laptops. The Cordova School District strongly recommends that parents read and browse the information below before signing the Cordova School District's, Cordova City School District Technology Use Agreement

    • Common Sense Media - A large variety of resources for families around the age appropriate use of technology and access to media by children.
    Home Internet Use Information

    Like any educational endeavor, parents and schools must work in partnership to assure students understand responsible and safe use of these tools. Student Internet use should be monitored at home as well as at school.” Henrico County Public Schools

    The devices that the school provides have CIPA compliant filtering, including filtering that works off of our school network.  There is, however, no such thing as a perfect filter, and even the best filter is not a replacement for oversight by a responsible adult.

    ISTE Standards for students

    These are the standards developed by the International Society for Technology in Education.  Many of our staff are frequent attendees at the Alaska Society for Technology in Education, an ISTE affiliate.

    Click here to visit the ISTE website.

    Carl Perkins Career Tech Education

    Cordova City School District

    Carl Perkins Career Tech Education

    Student Performance Data is available on the State CTE Web Portal.

    * Choose your school year and district in the drop down menus. 

    * Click "Get Report Values" and the selected CTE data will appear shortly.

District Technology Documents

District Technology Use Agreement.pdf
Mt. Eccles Account Creation and Maintenance Agreement.pdf
Mt. Eccles Technology on Campus Flyer.pdf

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