Title IX
Title IX information
Cordova School District conducts Title IX training for all staff via the SafeSchools system.
The Title IX Coordinator is Superintendent Mr. Russin.
Please contact the District Office
Phone: 907.424.3265
email: arussin@cordovasd.org
Mailing Address: PO Box 1330, Cordova, AK 99574

Title IX Policies
- Cordova School District policies related to Title IX:
- BP 0410 Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities
- BP 1312 Public Complaints Concerning the Schools
- BP 4030 Nondiscrimination in Employment (All Personnel)
- BP 4117.6 Non-Retention (Certificated Personnel)
- AR 4117.6 Informal Hearing for Non-Retention of Non-Tenured Staff (Certificated Personnel)
- BP 4119.12 Harassment
- BP 5145.3 NonDiscrimination
- BP 5146 Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students
- BP 6174.1 Education of Native/Indian Children